Wang-Helmreich, HannaMersmann, FlorianLuna, LisaBerger, Juliane2024-06-162024-06-1620182018 study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Ethiopia under the UNFCCC. A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of agriculture, forestry and low-emission transport.1 Onlineressource (49 Seiten)online resourceeng [Kyoto-Protokoll]UNFCCCLULUCFmitigation potentialNationally Determined ContributionEthiopiaImplementation of Nationally Determined ContributionsZehn Länderstudien zu einer ambitionierteren KlimapolitikEthiopia Country ReportForschungsberichtKlima | EnergieClimate | Energy