Platkowski, JörgWinkelmann-Oei, Gerhard2024-06-162024-06-162015Updated: 0 on recommendations by international river basin and water body commissions, a checklist concept was developed as a tool to efficiently evaluate the condition of installations handling substances and preparations hazardous to water. It comprises an overview of potential fields of action as well as specific checklists subdivided by functional units, sectors and risk areas.1 Onlineressource (8 Seiten)engässerschutzRisikomanagementLeitfadenWasserschutzWasserverunreinigungWasserschadstoffRichtliniewater protectioninstallation-relatedwater pollutionwater pollutantsrisk managementchecklistguidelineChecklists for surveying and assessing industrial plant handling materials and substances, which are hazardous to waterInstallation-related water protection: CoverMonographieChemikalienChemicals