Keppner, BennoKahlenborn, WalterWeiss, DanielVeenhoff, Sylvia2024-06-162024-06-162020Study comp Methodenpapier skizziert für die Umweltpolitik, wie das Instrument der "Trendanalyse" für die Untersuchung von umweltrelevanten Entwicklungen nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Durch Trendanalysen können die verschiedenen Facetten eines Trends beschrieben werden und diese systematisch hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkungen auf die Umwelt analysiert werden. Trendanalysen können so dazu beitragen, die Umweltpolitik im Sinne einer antizipativen Politikgestaltung handlungsfähig zu machen. Quelle: ForschungsberichtThis report outlines for environmental policy how the research method "trend analysis" can support the analysis of environmentally relevant developments. Trend analyses generally encompass the description of a trend and the systematic analysis of its impact on the environment. In this way, they can contribute to making environmental policy more effective and to shape trends in an anticipatory manner. Quelle: ForschungsberichtThis report outlines for environmental policy how the research method “trend analysis” can support the analysis of new developments which have possibly an impact on the environment. Currently, there is no consistent research method with which to analyze social, technological, economic or political trends that have no obvious connection to the environment, and to systemically identify and assess the complex, interdependent and often indirect effects of these trends. This report offers practical insights on how a trend analysis may be carried out.1 Onlineressource (42 Seiten)online resourceeng analysisForesightmethodstechnological impact assessmentenvironmental impactEmploying trend analysis in environmental research and policyEmploying trend analysis in environmental research and policyForschungsberichtSustainability | Strategies | International matters