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Veröffentlichung Climate Change Effects on Heat Waves and Future Heat Wave-Associated IHD Mortality in Germany(2015) Zacharias, Stefan; Koppe, Christina; Mücke, Hans-GuidoThe influence of future climate change on the occurrence of heat waves and its implications for heat wave-related mortality due to ischemic heart diseases (IHD) in Germany is studied. Simulations of 19 regional climate models with a spatial resolution of 0.25˚ Ž 0.25˚ forced by the moderate climate change scenario A1B are analyzed. Three model time periods of 30 years are evaluated, representing present climate (1971-2000), near future climate (2021-2050), and remote future climate (2069-2098). Heat waves are defined as periods of at least three consecutive days with daily mean air temperature above the 97.5th percentile of the all-season temperature distribution. Based on the model simulations, future heat waves in Germany will be significantly more frequent, longer lasting and more intense. By the end of the 21st century, the number of heat waves will be tripled compared to present climate. Additionally, the average duration of heat waves will increase by 25%, accompanied by an increase of the average temperature during heat waves by about 1 K. Regional analyses show that stronger than average climate change effects are observed particularly in the southern regions of Germany. Furthermore, we investigated climate change impacts on IHD mortality in Germany applying temperature projections from 19 regional climate models to heat wave mortality relationships identified in a previous study. Future IHD excess deaths were calculated both in the absence and presence of some acclimatization (i.e., that people are able to physiologically acclimatize to enhanced temperature levels in the future time periods by 0% and 50%, respectively). In addition to changes in heat wave frequency, we incorporated also changes in heat wave intensity and duration into the future mortality evaluations. The results indicate that by the end of the 21st century the annual number of IHD excess deaths in Germany attributable to heat waves is expected to rise by factor 2.4 and 5.1 in the acclimatization and non-acclimatization approach, respectively. Even though there is substantial variability across the individual model simulations, it is most likely that the future burden of heat will increase considerably. The obtained results point to public health interventions to reduce the vulnerability of the population to heat waves. Quelle: http://www.mdpi.comVeröffentlichung Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Biotropie des Wetters und die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland(2015) Zacharias, Stefan; Koppe, Christina; Mücke, Hans-GuidoZahlreiche biometeorologische Studien belegen den Einfluss bestimmter Wetterlagen und Wetterelemente auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Aufbauend auf den in einer systematischen Literaturrecherche und einer repräsentativen Wetterfühligkeitsbefragung identifizierten Zusammenhängen zwischen Wetter und Gesundheit sowie auf eigenen Abschätzungen der Beziehung zwischen Wetterfaktoren und Mortalität für das gegenwärtige Klima, wurde der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Basis von 19 regionalen Klimamodellen für Deutschland analysiert und die Auswirkungen der zukünftigen Entwicklung auf die Gesundheit abgeschätzt. Die Auswertung von Klima-Modellsimulationen zeigt, dass sich die zukünftige Belastung durch hohe Temperaturen in Deutschland bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts mehr als verdoppeln wird, während die Belastung durch niedrige Temperaturen eher abnehmen wird. Häufigkeit, Dauer und Intensität von Hitzewellen werden deutlich zunehmen. Des Weiteren kommen rasche Temperaturänderungen zum Vortag und innertägliche Temperaturschwankungen, die ebenfalls mit einer erhöhten biotropen Belastung in Verbindung gebracht werden, in einem zukünftigen Klima häufiger vor. Die erzielten Ergebnisse belegen die Bedeutung des Klimawandels für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland und unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit von Anpassungsmaßnahmen, um die Auswirkungen der erwarteten Klimaänderungen so gering wie möglich zu halten.
Quelle: UMID : Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst ; Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin, Verbraucherschutz. - Berlin. S. 21Veröffentlichung Influence of climate change on human health and weather-related diseases in Germany(2013) Zacharias, Stefan; Koppe, Christina; Mücke, Hans-GuidoVeröffentlichung Influence of Heat Waves on Ischemic Heart Diseases in Germany(2014) Zacharias, Stefan; Koppe, Christina; Mücke, Hans-GuidoThe impact of heat waves on ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality and morbidity in Germany during 2001-2010 is analyzed. Heat waves are defined as periods of at least three consecutive days with daily mean temperature above the 97.5th percentile of the temperature distribution. Daily excess mortality and morbidity rates are used. All calculations were performed separately for 19 regions to allow for the investigation of regional differences. The results show that IHD mortality during heat waves is significantly increased (+15.2% more deaths on heat wave days). In stark contrast, no heat wave influence on hospital admissions due to IHD could be observed. Regional differences in heat wave IHD mortality are present, with the strongest impact in Western Germany and weaker than average effects in the Southeastern and Northwestern regions. The increase in mortality during heat waves is generally stronger for females (+18.7%) than for males (+11.4%), and for chronic ischemic diseases (+18.4%) than for myocardial infarctions (+12.2%). Longer and more intense heat waves feature stronger effects on IHD mortality, while timing in season seems to be less important. Since climate change will most likely enhance the number and intensity of heat waves, the obtained results point to public adaptation strategies to reduce the future heat wave impact on mortality. Quelle: