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Veröffentlichung EFF-Pharm: Effects of pharmaceuticals (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and beta-blockers) in fish and invertebrates and their detection by newly developed in vitro-bioassays(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Triebskorn, Rita; Schwarz, Simon; Schmieg, Hannah; Institut für Evolution und Ökologie (Tübingen). Abteilung Physiologische Ökologie der Tiere; Steinbeis Transfer-Center for Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiology; GWT-TUD GmbH (Dresden); Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtAls Werkzeuge für das Biomonitoring von Arzneimitteln wurden Wirkmechanismus-basierte in vitro-Assays entwickelt, durch die der Nachweis von Wirkungen zweier Arzneimittelgruppen, entzündungs-hemmender Schmerzmittel, wie Diclofenac (NSAIDs) und Beta-Blocker, wie Metoprolol. möglich ist. Hierfür wurden stabile Zelllinien entwickelt, die Wirkmechanismus-basierte sensorische und signal-gebende rekombinante Proteine exprimieren. Diese ermöglichen die schnelle Visualisierung von Fluo-reszenzsignaländerungen in den lebenden Zellen. Darauf aufbauenden Mikroplattenformat-Assays wurden für die quantitative Bestimmung von Metoprolol- und Diclofenac-Aktivität in Kläranlagenab-läufen erfolgreich eingesetzt um die Relevanz und Eignung dieser Tests zum Abbilden von Wirkungen bei Freilandrelevanten aquatischen Organismen zu zeigen, wurden parallel Wirkuntersuchungen mit Fischen (Bachforellen und deren Eier), Krebstieren (Flohkrebsen, Daphnien), Schnecken und mit im Sediment lebenden Würmern durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungen fanden (1) unter kontrollierten Laborbedingungen mit Einzelsubstanzen und binären Mischungen, (2) in aquatischen Mesokosmen (Fließrinnen) sowie im Freiland in einem Durchflusssystem, das vom Ablauf einer kommunalen Kläranlage gespeist war, statt. An den exponierten Organismen wurden sowohl populationsrelevante Endpunkte, wie Mortalität, Fruchtbarkeit oder Reproduktion, als auch Biomarker (Reaktionen von Stressproteinen und Parame-tern, die oxidativen Stress anzeigen sowie histologische Veränderungen) untersucht, die den Gesund-heitsstatus der Individuen abbilden. Quelle: ForschungsberichtVeröffentlichung Effects of the antidepressant Amitriptyline on juvenile brown trout and their modulation by microplastics(2022) Schmieg, Hannah; Krais, Stefanie; Kübler, Kathrin; Ruhl, Aki SebastianPharmaceuticals such as antidepressants are designed to be bioactive at low concentrations. According to their mode of action, they can also influence non-target organisms due to the phylogenetic conservation of molecular targets. In addition to the pollution by environmental chemicals, the topic of microplastics (MP) in the aquatic environment came into the focus of scientific and public interest. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the antidepressant amitriptyline in the presence and absence of irregularly shaped polystyrene MP as well as the effects of MP alone on juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario). Fish were exposed to different concentrations of amitriptyline (nominal concentrations between 1 and 1000 (micro)g/L) and two concentrations of MP (104 and 105 particles/L; <50 (micro)m) for three weeks. Tissue cortisol concentration, oxidative stress, and the activity of two carboxylesterases and of acetylcholinesterase were assessed. Furthermore, the swimming behavior was analyzed in situations with different stress levels. Exposure to amitriptyline altered the behavior and increased the activity of acetylcholinesterase. Moreover, nominal amitriptyline concentrations above 300 (micro)g/L caused severe acute adverse effects in fish. MP alone did not affect any of the investigated endpoints. Co-exposure caused largely similar effects such as the exposure to solely amitriptyline. However, the effect of amitriptyline on the swimming behavior during the experiment was alleviated by the higher MP concentration. © 2022 by the authorsVeröffentlichung Polystyrene microplastics do not affect juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) or modulate effects of the pesticide methiocarb(2020) Schmieg, Hannah; Huppertsberg, Sven; Knepper, Thomas P.; Ruhl, Aki SebastianBackground There has been a rising interest within the scientific community and the public about the environmental risk related to the abundance of microplastics in aquatic environments. Up to now, however, scientific knowledge in this context has been scarce and insufficient for a reliable risk assessment. To remedy this scarcity of data, we investigated possible adverse effects of polystyrene particles (104 particles/L) and the pesticide methiocarb (1 mg/L) in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) both by themselves as well as in combination after a 96 h laboratory exposure. PS beads (density 1.05 g/mL) were cryogenically milled and fractionated resulting in irregular-shaped particles (<50 (micro)m). Besides body weight of the animals, biomarkers for proteotoxicity (stress protein family Hsp70), oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase, lipid peroxidation), and neurotoxicity (acetylcholinesterase, carboxylesterases) were analyzed. As an indicator of overall health, histopathological effects were studied in liver and gills of exposed fish. Results Polystyrene particles by themselves did not influence any of the investigated biomarkers. In contrast, the exposure to methiocarb led to a significant reduction of the activity of acetylcholinesterase and the two carboxylesterases. Moreover, the tissue integrity of liver and gills was impaired by the pesticide. Body weight, the oxidative stress and the stress protein levels were not influenced by methiocarb. Effects caused by co-exposure of polystyrene microplastics and methiocarb were the same as those caused by methiocarb alone. Conclusions Overall, methiocarb led to negative effects in juvenile brown trout. In contrast, polystyrene microplastics in the tested concentration did not affect the health of juvenile brown trout and did not modulate the toxicity of methiocarb in this fish species. © The Author(s) 2020