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Veröffentlichung Halogenated flame retardants in tree samples applied as bioindicators for atmospheric pollution(2018) Dreyer, Annekatrin; Neugebauer, Frank; Koschorreck, Jan; Rüdel, HeinzConiferous shoots and deciduous tree leaf samples from 10 sites in Germany were taken in 2015 or 2016 within the German Environmental Specimen Bank sampling program and analysed for 24 polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 19 additional halogenated flame retardants (HFRs). At one site, additional historic samples dating back till 2003 were also investigated. Samples were Soxhlet-extracted, cleaned-up by a non-destructive multi-step procedure involving gel permeation chromatography, and detected by GC-API-MS/MS as well as GC-MS. Besides PBDEs as classical HFRs, emerging HFRs such as Dechlorane Plus, DPTE, DBDPE, or ATE were region-wide observed demonstrating their widespread occurrence in the atmosphere. Highest concentrations in recent samples were found for DBDPE (<230-2760 pg g-1 dry weight (dw)) followed by DPTE (91-1540 pg g-1 dw), BDE209 (<156-461 pg g-1 dw), and BDE47 (<27-505 pg g-1 dw) or DP (31-122 pg g-1 dw). The overall uniform and widespread distribution as well as similar HFR levels and composition profiles observed in recent conifer shoots and corresponding deciduous tree leaves from the same area indicate a prolonged medium to long-range transport as sources. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that both tree types are generally suitable bioindicators for atmospheric pollution with HFRs, although accumulation may vary depending on HFR properties and accumulation period. The historic samples showed decreasing PBDE levels whereas no clear trend could be observed for other investigated HFRs at this site. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Veröffentlichung Recent findings of halogenated flame retardants (HFR) in the German and Polar environment(2019) Dreyer, Annekatrin; Neugebauer, Frank; Koschorreck, Jan; Lohmann, NinaTo get an overview about distribution, levels and temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and halogenated flame retardants (HFR) of emerging concern, different types of environmental samples archived in the German Environment Specimen Bank as well as fish filet samples from the Arctic (n=13) and Antarctica (n=5) were analysed for 43 substances (24 PBDE, 19 HFR) using a multi-column clean-up and GC-API-MS/MS or GC-MS. Sample types were herring gull egg (n=3), blue mussel (n=3) and eelpout filet (n=3) from the German North- and Baltic Sea, bream filet (n=7), zebra mussel (n=6) and suspended particulate matter (SPM, n=7) from German freshwater ecosystems as well as tree leaves (n=9)/shoots (n=10), soil (n=4), earthworm (n=4) and deer liver (n=7) as representatives of German terrestrial ecosystems. PBDE and emerging HFR were present in each investigated matrices from Germany and Polar regions showing their widespread distribution. The presence in Arctic and Antarctic fish samples confirms their long-range transport potential. Average concentrations of total emerging HFR were highest in SPM (26 ng g-1 dry weight (dw)), zebra mussel (10 ng g-1 dw) and herring gull egg (2.6 ng g-1 dw). Lowest levels were measured in fish filet samples from Antarctica (0.02 ng g-1 dw). Average total PBDE concentrations were highest in bream filet (154 ng g-1), herring gull egg (61 ng g-1 dw), SPM (21 ng g-1 dw), and zebra mussel 18 (ng g-1) and lowest in deer liver (0.04 ng g-1 dw). The patterns of non-fauna terrestrial samples (leaves, shoots, soil) as well as SPM were dominated by DBDPE and BDE209. Elevated proportions of DPTE and in most cases the absence of DBDPE characterized all fauna samples with the exception of Polar samples. Overall, emerging HFR appeared to be less bioaccumulative than PBDE. Temporal trends were generally decreasing with few exceptions such as DBDPE. Quelle: