Browsing by Author "Neßhöver, Carsten"
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Publication Eine kleine Geschichte der Biodiversität(2018) Neßhöver, Carsten; Jax, K.Publication EKLIPSE: engaging knowledge holders and networks for evidence-informed European policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services(2018) Watt, Allan; Ainsworth, Gill; Balian, Estelle; Neßhöver, CarstenThe aim of EKLIPSE is to develop a mechanism to inform European-scale policy on biodiversity and related environmental challenges. This paper considers two fundamental aspects of the decision-support mechanism being developed by EKLIPSE: 1) the engagement of relevant actors from science, policy and society to jointly identify evidence for decision making; and 2) the networking of scientists and other holders of knowledge on biodiversity and other relevant evidence. The mechanism being developed has the potential not only to build communities of knowledge holders but to build informal networks among those with similar interests in evidence, be they those that seek to use evidence or those who are building evidence, or both. EKLIPSE has been successful in linking these people and in contributing to building informal networks of requesters of evidence, and experts of evidence and its synthesis. We have yet to see, however, significant engagement of formal networks of knowledge holders. Future success, however, relies on the continued involvement with and engagement of networks, a high degree of transparency within the processes and a high flexibility of structures to adapt to different requirements that arise with the broad range of requests to and activities of EKLIPSE. Quelle: https://www.ingentaconnect.comPublication Lehren aus der Corona-Krise: Neue Leitmotive für die Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik erforderlich?(2020) Ginzky, Harald; Löwe, Christian; Neßhöver, CarstenPublication Lehren aus der Corona-Krise: Neue Leitmotive für die Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik erforderlich? - ein Diskussionsbeitrag(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Ginzky, Harald; Löwe, Christian; Neßhöver, Carsten; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDas Positionspapier diskutiert, welche Leitmotive für die zukünftige Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik ggf. ergänzend zu den Bestehenden erforderlich sind, um erstens ein effektives Krisenmanagement der aktuellen und ggf. zukünftigen Pandemien und zweitens eine baldige sozial-ökologische Transformation insbesondere hin zu mehr Klimaverträglichkeit erreichen zu können. Grundlage der Vorschläge ist eine sorgfältige Analyse der Erfahrungen mit der Covid-19-Pandemie. So soll etwa der Nexus von Umwelt und Gesundheit mehr Beachtung finden. Ferner wird vorgeschlagen, die Resilienz der wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Systeme, strukturelle Gerechtigkeit, Solidarität, eine lernende Steuerung, die Stärkung handlungsfähiger staatlicher Institutionen sowie eine neue digitale Kultur als Anforderungen zu etablieren. Quelle: Lessons from the Corona Crisis: New guiding principles required for environmental and sustainability policy?(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Ginzky, Harald; Löwe, Christian; Neßhöver, Carsten; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe position paper reflects, which guiding principles for future environmental and sustainability policy might be necessary in addition to the existing ones in order to achieve firstly effective crisis management of current and possibly future pandemics and secondly the kick-off into socio-ecological transformations needed to reduce long-term environmental risks. The proposals are based on a careful analysis of the experience with the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, the nexus of environment and health should be given more attention. Furthermore, it is proposed to put resilience of economic and social systems centre stage, and include principles of structural justice, solidarity, adaptive management, the strengthening of state institutions capable of action and a new digital culture as requirements. Quelle: UmweltbundesamtPublication Managing science-policy interfaces for impact: Interactions within the environmental governance meshwork(2019) Sarkki, Simo; Balian, Estelle; Heink, Ulrich; Neßhöver, CarstenScience-policy interface organizations and initiatives (SPIORG) are a key component of environmental governance designed to make links between science and society. However, the science-policy interface literature lacks a structured approach to explaining the impacts of context on and by these initiatives. To better understand these impacts on and interactions with governance, this paper uses the concept of the governance 'meshwork' to explore how dynamic processes - encompassing prior, current and anticipated interactions - coproduce knowledge and impact via processes, negotiation and networking activities at multiple governance levels. To illustrate the interactions between SPIORGs and governance meshwork we use five cases representing archetypal SPIORGs. These cases demonstrate how all initiatives and organizations link to their contexts in complex and unique ways, yet also identifies ten important aspects that connect the governance meshwork to SPIORGs. These aspects of the meshwork, together with the typology of organizations, provide a comprehensive framework that can help make sense how the SPIORGs are embedded in the surrounding governance contexts. We highlight that SPIORGs must purposively consider and engage with their contexts to increase their potential impact on knowledge co-production and policy making. © 2019 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Publication Nachhaltige Wege aus der Wirtschaftskrise(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Gibis, Claudia; Kosmol, Jan; Matthey, Astrid; Schubert, Tim; Wehnemann, Kai; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Neßhöver, CarstenDie Covid-19-Pandemie verursacht weltweit erhebliche Verwerfungen in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Kurz- und mittelfristigen Finanzhilfen zur Abmilderung der akuten Folgen von Corona müssen so ausgerichtet werden, dass sie gleichzeitig den langfristig nötigen Wandel hin zu einer nachhaltigen und klimaneutralen Gesellschaft befördern. Das UBA -Positionspapier schlägt einen Aktionsplan für Deutschland vor, der sowohl die Rahmenbedingungen für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsweise als auch konkrete Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Energie, Mobilität und Gebäude in den Blick nimmt. Als zentrales Dach dieser Maßnahmen gilt, auf europäischer Ebene den European Green Deal ambitioniert umzusetzen. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Sustainable pathways out of the Corona crisis(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Gibis, Claudia; Kosmol, Jan; Matthey, Astrid; Schubert, Tim; Wehnemann, Kai; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Neßhöver, CarstenThe Covid 19 pandemic is causing considerable social and economic disruption worldwide. Short and midterm financial support measures for mitigating the acute consequences of the pandemic must be structured in a way, that they support the needed longterm changes towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society. The UBA position paper proposes an action plan for Germany, that takes into account the framework conditions for fostering a sustainable economy and that focuses on concrete measures in the building. mobility and energy sectors. As central element of all these measures, the European Green Deal must be implemented ambitiously. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik unter Corona(2021) Messner, Dirk; Neßhöver, CarstenZu Beginn der Corona-Krise wurde schnell klar, dass sie allumfassend auf Gesellschaften und damit auch auf die Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsagenda wirkt. Dies kommt zu einer Zeit, in der zunehmend deutlich wird, dass wir erhebliche Anstrengungen brauchen, um die Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaagenden tatsächlich umzusetzen. Quelle: https://oekologisches-wirtschaften.dePublication Understanding the Impacts of Research Synthesis(2018) Wyborn, Carina; Louder, Elena; Harrison, Jerry; Neßhöver, CarstenResearch synthesis is the integration of existing knowledge and research findings pertinent to an issue. The aim of synthesis is to increase the generality and applicability of those findings and to develop new knowledge through the process of integration. Synthesis is promoted as an approach that deals with the challenge of 'information overload', delivering products that further our understanding of problems and distil relevant evidence for decision-making. However, despite the increasing prominence of synthesis efforts in the science and policy landscape, we know very little about the impacts these initiatives have on research, policy and practice and the assumptions underpinning how they will lead to change. This paper presents a framework for considering the conceptual, strategic, instrumental and network-based impacts of research synthesis on policy. This framework provides insight into the range of underlying assumptions and impacts on policy and practice from 10 case studies of research synthesis related to contemporary sustainability challenges. Findings suggest that research synthesis is having diverse impacts on research, policy and practice including creating a new understanding of problems, establishing new networks, and contributing to changes in policy and practice. These impacts emerged across a range of contexts, synthesis methods, assumptions and operating models. This suggests that there is no single öcorrect wayââą Ì to design research synthesis for impact, but rather a need to tailor the approach for the context of intended use. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Publication Widening the European Green Deal's perspective towards a sustainable Europe(Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Neßhöver, Carsten; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Beckert, Barbara; Claussen, Ulrich; Doyle, Ulrike; Eckermann, Frauke; Frische, Tobias; Haße, Clemens; Günther, Jens; Hollweg, Beate; Huckestein, Burkhard; Janitzek, Timmo; Kabel, Claudia; Jering, Almut; Keßler, Hermann; Klatt, Anne; Knoche, Guido; Köder, Lea; Koller, Matthias; Krause, Bernd; Kreuser, Margarethe; Lindenthal, Alexandra; Löwe, Christian; Manstein, Christopher; Matthey, Astrid; Meurer, Doris; Mohaupt, Volker; Mutert, Tina; Obermaier, Nathan; Pieper, Silvia; Plickert, Sebastian; Rechenberg, Jörg; Reichart, Almut; Rönnefahrt, Ines; Schulte, Christoph; Schweitzer, Christian; Spengler, Laura; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Suhr, Michael; Töpfer, Christoph; Unnerstall, Herwig; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in 2019, represents a new and ambitious approach to put environment and sustainability at the heart of European policy. Its ambitions are high, yet the planned measures might not be sufficient to actually meet them. The report analyzes the European Green Deal from the perspective of the German Environment Agency and places it in the context of the global challenge of achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals. In addition to necessary measures in the thematic fields of the European Green Deal, the report also addresses the structural adjustments needed as key levers to achieve the desired goals. The report concludes that the European Green Deal is an important step forward, but that further efforts beyond those described there are still needed in order to achieve a sustainable Europe. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Wissenschaft und wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in "post-normalen" Zeiten: Chancen und Herausforderungen(2020) Neßhöver, Carsten; Koller, Matthias