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Veröffentlichung 2nd International Conference on Human Biomonitoring, Berlin 2016(2017) Joas, Anke; Calafat, Antonia M.; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schwedler, GerdaVeröffentlichung A pilot study on the feasibility of European harmonized Human Biomonitoring: Strategies towards a common approach, challenges and opportunities(2015) Casteleyn, Ludwine; Dumez, Birgit; Becker, Kerstin; Den Hond, Elly; Schoeters, Greet; Castaño, Argelia; Koch, Holger Martin; Angerer, Jürgen; Esteban, Marta; Exley, Karen; Sepai, Ovnair; Bloemen, Louis; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Horvath, Milena; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Joas, Anke; Joas, Reinhard; Biot, Pierre; Koppen, C.; Dewolf, M.-C.; Katsonouri, Andromachi; Hadjipanayis, Adamos; Cerna, Milena; Krskova, A.; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Nielsen, Jeanette K.S.; Jensen, J.F.; Rudnai, Peter; Közepesy, S.; Mulcahy, M.F.R.; Mannion, R.; Gutleb, Arno C.; Fischer, M.E.; Ligocka, Danuta; Jakubowski, M.; Reis, M.Fátima; Namorado, S.; Lupsa, Ioana-Rodica; Schwedler, Gerda; Gurzau, Anca ElenaIn 2004theEuropeanCommissionandMemberStatesinitiatedactivitiestowardsaharmonizedap-
proach forHumanBiomonitoringsurveysthroughoutEurope.Themainobjectivewastosustainen-
vironmental healthpolicybybuildingacoherentandsustainableframeworkandbyincreasingthe
comparability ofdataacrosscountries.Apilotstudy totestcommonguidelinesforsettingupsurveys
a jointstudyprotocolwaselaborated.
child pairsintheframeofDEMOnstrationofastudytoCoordinateandPerformHumanBiomonitoring
on aEuropeanScale(DEMOCOPHES). Mercury inhairandurinarycadmiumandcotininewereselected
as biomarkersofexposurecoveredbysufficient analyticalexperience.PhthalatemetabolitesandBi-
sphenol Ainurinewereaddedtotakeintoaccountincreasingpublicandpoliticalawarenessfor
emerging typesofcontaminantsandtotestlessadvancedmarkers/markerscoveredbylessanalytical
The pilotstudyshowed thatcommonapproachescanbefoundinacontextofconsiderablediffer-
ences withrespecttoexperienceandexpertize,socio-culturalbackground,economicsituationandna-
tional priorities.ItalsoevidencedthatcomparableHumanBiomonitoringresultscanbeobtainedinsuch
context.AEuropeannetworkwasbuilt,exchanging information,expertise andexperiences,andpro-
viding trainingonallaspectsofasurvey.Akeychallengewas finding therightbalancebetweenarigid
structure allowingmaximalcomparabilityanda flexibleapproachincreasingfeasibilityandcapacity
building. NextstepsinEuropeanharmonizationinHumanBiomonitoringsurveysincludetheestab-
lishment ofajointprocessforprioritizationofsubstancestocoverandbiomarkerstodevelop,linking
biomonitoring surveyswithhealthexaminationsurveysandwithresearch,andcopingwiththediverse
implementations ofEUregulationsandinternationalguidelineswithrespecttoethicsandprivacy.
©2014ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.Veröffentlichung Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Minderung des Ressourcenverbrauchs in der Chemiebranche durch Instrumente der nachhaltigen Chemie(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Bunke, Dirk; Blepp, Markus; Joas, Anke; Öko-Institut; BiPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen (München); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Blum, ChristopherNachhaltige Chemie kann einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten. Derzeit fehlt es allerdings an einem klaren Verständnis, was nachhaltige Chemie ist. Und an einer Ausrichtung und Schwerpunktsetzung der unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten, die sich in diesem Feld in den letzten Jahrzehnten entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund hatte das Forschungsprojekt ć Beiträge zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Minderung des Ressourcenverbrauchs in der Chemiebranche durch In-strumente der nachhaltigen Chemie vier Ziele: . Die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes der Nachhaltigen Chemie; . die Entwicklung von Indikatoren, die die Nachhaltigkeit in der Chemie messen können; . die Erprobung dieser Indikatoren anhand von Beispielen. . die Abschätzung von Einsparpotenzialen durch Instrumente der nachhaltigen Chemie. Dieser Bericht präsentiert die Vorgehensweise für das Konzept der Nachhaltigen Chemie, das im Projekt gemeinsam von Auftragnehmern und UBA als Entwurf entwickelt wurde. Der Indikatorensatz ćParameter der nachhaltigen Chemie̮ wird vorgestellt, und Erfahrungen mit seiner Anwendung geschildert. Die Ergebnisdarstellung in Form der Landkarte der Nachhaltigen Chemie wird erklärt. Wichtige Bezugspunkte dieser Arbeiten sind die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN und das in Planung be-findliche International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre ISC3. Im Projekt wurde im September 2015 die international ausgerichtete Konferenz ćSustainable Chemistry 2015: the way forward̮durchgeführt. Auf ihr wurde das Konzept der Nachhaltigen Chemie in seinen Grundzügen vorgestellt. Gemeinsam wurde erarbeitet, wo nachhaltige Chemie derzeit steht, und wie die nächsten Schritte aussehen. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse dieser Konferenz sind ebenfalls im Bericht enthalten. Quelle: ForschungsberichtVeröffentlichung Contributions to the sustainable development strategy: reduction of resource consumption in the chemical sector by instruments of sustainable chemistry(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Bunke, Dirk; Blepp, Markus; Joas, Anke; Öko-Institut; BiPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen (München); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Blum, ChristopherNachhaltige Chemie kann einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten. Derzeit fehlt es allerdings an einem klaren Verständnis, was nachhaltige Chemie ist. Außerdem mangelt es an einer Ausrichtung und Schwerpunktsetzung der unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten, die sich in diesem Feld in den letzten Jahrzehnten entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hinter-grund hatte das Forschungsprojekt ćBeiträge zur Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Minderung des Ressourcenverbrauchs in der Chemiebranche durch Instru-mente der nachhaltigen Chemie̮ vier Ziele: (5) Die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes der Nachhaltigen Chemie; (6) die Entwicklung von Indikatoren, anhand derer Nachhaltigkeit in der Chemie gemessen werden kann; (7) die Erprobung dieser Indikatoren anhand von Beispielen und (8) die Abschätzung von Einsparpotenzialen durch Instrumente der nachhaltigen Chemie. In diesem Bericht werden die Vorgehensweise für das Konzept der Nachhaltigen Chemie, die Indikatoren, ihre Anwendung und die Landkarte der Nachhaltigen Chemie dokumentiert. Außerdem fasst der Bericht die we-sentlichen Ergebnisse der internationalen Konferenz zur nachhaltigen Chemie vom September 2015 zusammen. Es erfolgt eine Bezugnahme auf die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN (Sustainable Development Goals) und auf das in Planung befindliche internationale Kooperationszentrum zur nachhalti-gen Chemie (International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre ISC3). Quelle: ForschungsberichtVeröffentlichung Environmental health surveillance in a future European health information system(2018) Joas, Anke; David, Madlen; Schöpel, Miriam; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schwedler, GerdaBackground To date Health information (HI) in the European Union does not comprise indicators or other information related to impacts of hazardous chemicals in consumer products, food, drinking water or air on the health status of the population. Therefore, we inventorised and evaluated the potential of environmental health surveillance and research data sources in the European population to provide HBM-based indicators of internal human exposure and health impact of relevant chemicals. Methods We established an up-dated inventory of European cross-sectional Human Biomonitoring (HBM) surveys and of birth cohorts, and compared chemicals and chemical groups addressed by HBM with indicators and health end points collected via European Core Health Indicators (ECHI), in birth registries, as well as in environmental and food data bases and health registries to see on how data collection could be aligned. Finally, we investigated study designs of HBM survey and health examination surveys for potential synergies. Results The inventory covers a total of 11 European cross-sectional national programmes and a large number of birth cohorts and includes information on study population, age groups, covered substances, sampled matrices, and frequency. The comparison of data collections shows that there are many overlaps between environmental chemicals with environmental and health reporting. HBM data could be linked with ECHI indicators for work-related risks, body mass index (BMI), and low birth weight, with perinatal disease, neurologic disorders, and some chronic diseases, or with data bases for e.g. indoor air, food, or consumer products. Existing initiatives to link data collections at European Environment Agency (EEA) and Joint Research Center (JRC) or at World Health Organization (WHO) are good options to further develop linkage of HBM with exposures sources and health end points. Conclusions There is potential to use HBM based information in a number of public health policies, and this would help to align reporting to international commitments. Environmental health surveillance based on HBM and HBM-based indicators, is an excellent tool to inform public health policies about risks from environmental chemicals, and the EU health information system would benefit from additional HBM-based indicators for monitoring exposure burden from environmental chemicals. Considerable efforts are needed to align and establish routine data collections and to develop a surveillance system and indicators which may inform public health policies. © The Author(s). 2018Veröffentlichung Human biomonitoring(2017) Joas, Anke; Choi, Judy; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schwedler, GerdaVeröffentlichung Human biomonitoring harmonisation - lessons learned from COPHES and DEMOCOPHES(2014) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Schwedler, Gerda; Seiwert, Margarete; Joas, Anke; Angerer, Jürgen; Koch, Holger; Biot, Pierre; Aerts, Dominique; Casteleyn, Ludwine; Castaño, Argelia; Schoeters, Greet; Sepai, Ovnair; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Horvath, Milena; Bloemen, Louis; Joas, ReinhardIntroduction: A major objective of the European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010 was
the EU wide comparison of the population's exposure to chemicals by human biomonitoring (HBM). This
required study harmonization. COPHES (COnsortium to Perform Human biomonitoring on a European Scale)systematically developed a harmonized approach to conduct HBM on a European scale, an essentialprerequisite to get comparable data. Results: For all main aspects of study design and conduct alternativeswere compared and discussed in a transparent decision making process that can also be applied to otherstudies. To reach acceptance of all involved partners, country specific aspects were always considered. Duringworkshops and by discussing written materials all partners brought up their comments and became familiar withall instruments for fieldwork and methods for quality assurance (e.g., fieldwork manual, questionnaires, andcheck lists). However, study preconditions such as ethics requirements or acceptance of questionnairecomponents differred between countries, giving a taste of the limits of harmonization. Finally,17 of the 27COPHES countries conducted the DEMOCOPHES survey (DEMOnstration of a study to COordinate andPerform Human biomonitoring on a European Scale) using the harmonized approach. Conclusions: Theharmonized fieldwork instruments (basic questionnaire, urine and hair sampling) turned out to be of high valuefor future HBM studies. Harmonization requires detailed preparation but not necessarily in the same depth ineach part of the project. The challenge is to determine which procedures indispensably need perfectharmonization and for which general guidelines are acceptable. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to theEuropean Commission that funded COPHES (7th Framework Program No. 244237) and co-fundedDEMOCOPHES (LIFE09 ENV/BE/000410) in addition to the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB). We alsothank all project partners (
Quelle: 24th Annual Meeting ofThe International Society of Exposure Science: Exposure Science Integration to Protect Ecological Systems,Human Well-Being, and Occupational Health; Abstract Book ISES 2014 / International Society of Exposure Science, Cincinnati: 2014, S.235Veröffentlichung Interpreting biomarker data from the COPHES-DEMOCOPHES twin projects: Using lifestyle and environmental data to understand biomarker differences among countries(2013) Den Hond, Elly; Govarts, Eva; Koppen, Gudrun; Willems, Hanny; Joas, Reinhard; Casteleyn, Ludwine; Joas, Anke; Biot, Pierre; Aerts, Dominique; Angerer, Jürgen; Berglund, Marika; Bloemen, Louis; Castaño, Argelia; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Crettaz, Pierre; Esteban, Marta; Exley, Karen; Fabianova, Eleonora; Fischer, Marc; Gutleb, Arno Christian; Hadjipanayis, Adamos; Halzlova, Katarina; Horvat, Milena; Jakubowski, Marek; Katsonouri, Andromachi; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Koch, Holger; Krskova, Andrea; Lehmann, Andreas; Ligocka, Danuta; Lupsa, Ioana-Rodica; Mazej, Darja; Mulcahy, Maurice; Namorado, Sónia; Nielsen, Jeanette; Schwedler, GerdaIn 2011 and 2012, the COPHES/DEMOCOPHES twin projects performed a first ever harmonized human biomonitoring survey in 17 European countries. In more than 1800 mother-child pairs, cadmium, cotinine and certain phthalate metabolites were measured in urine, and total mercury in hair samples. The presentation provides an overview of the analyses that studied whether it was feasible to interpret the observed differences in biomarker values among different countries, using external databases on environmental quality and lifestyle.
Despite the fact that harmonised biomonitoring data was available from 17 different European countries, the assessment was hampered by a lack of consistent data on lifestyle and environmental quality. This implied that most analyses could only be performed for about half to two thirds of the participating countries. Nonetheless, it was feasible to relate aggregated fish consumption data to mercury in hair, to relate the strength of anti-smoking legislation to urinary cotinine levels, and to find a borderline significant relationship between cadmium levels in air or food and urinary cadmium levels across DEMOCOPHES countries. However, the challenge to integrate environmental exposure and lifestyle data with biomarker data is to have data available on a similar geographical resolution and therefore remains a pitfall for human biomonitoring to achieve its true potential for evidence-based policy making.
With many thanks to the COPHES consortium funded by DG RTD under FP7 and DEMOCOPHES co-funded under Life+, as well as the Ministries of the DEMOCOPHES countries, for the support. Smolders, et al.: Interpreting biomarker data from the COPHES-DEMOCOPHES twin projects: Using lifestyle and environmental data to understand biomarker differences among countries. In: Abstracts / The 9thInternational Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health. 2013, Manchester, S. 33
Veröffentlichung Measuring environmental contaminants in humans(2013) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Seiwert, Margarete; Schwedler, Gerda; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Conrad, André; Schröter-Kermani, Christa; Schulz, Christine; Biot, Pierre; Aerts, Dominique; Casteleyn, Ludwine; Joas, Anke; Joas, Reinhard