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Veröffentlichung An den Polen der Welt(2018) Böger, Britta; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Herata, Heike; Hilbert, JacquelineLeo und Polly entdecken Eisbären und Pinguine, die größte Wüste der Welt, rasende Gletscher und einzigartige Schneeflocken. Sie hören berühmte letzte Worte und erfahren, warum Meereis besser ist als weniger Eis. Denn das ewige Eis ist bedroht - durch den Menschen! Was man selber dagegen tun kann, davon erzählt dieses Buch. Mit original Narwal-Gesang und Pinguinrufen. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung An den Polen der Welt(2017) Böger, Britta; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Herata, Heike; Hilbert, JacquelineVeröffentlichung Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions(2023) Ebinghaus, Ralf; Barbaro, Elena; Nash, Susan Bengtson; Herata, Heike; Koschorreck, Jan; Küster, Anette; Rauert, CarenPolar regions should be given greater consideration with respect to the monitoring, risk assessment, and management of potentially harmful chemicals, consistent with requirements of the precautionary principle. Protecting the vulnerable polar environments requires (i) raising political and public awareness and (ii) restricting and preventing global emissions of harmful chemicals at their sources. The Berlin Statement is the outcome of an international workshop with representatives of the European Commission, the Arctic Council, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), environmental specimen banks, and data centers, as well as scientists from various international research institutions. The statement addresses urgent chemical pollution issues in the polar regions and provides recommendations for improving screening, monitoring, risk assessment, research cooperation, and open data sharing to provide environmental policy makers and chemicals management decision-makers with relevant and reliable contaminant data to better protect the polar environments. The consensus reached at the workshop can be summarized in just two words: "Act now!" Specifically, "Act now!" to reduce the presence and impact of anthropogenic chemical pollution in polar regions by. -Establishing participatory co-development frameworks in a permanent multi-disciplinary platform for Arctic-Antarctic collaborations and establishing exchanges between the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) of the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AnMAP) of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to increase the visibility and exchange of contaminant data and to support the development of harmonized monitoring programs. -Integrating environmental specimen banking, innovative screening approaches and archiving systems, to provide opportunities for improved assessment of contaminants to protect polar regions. © 2023 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Emerging and legacy organic contaminants in the polar regions(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Xie, Zhiyong; Mi, Lijie; Gandraß, Jürgen; Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. Institut für Küstenumweltchemie; National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center; Shaanxi-Keji-Daxue (Xianyang); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Herata, Heike; Küster, AnetteOrganische Schadstoffe in Polarregionen sind aufgrund ihrer Persistenz, Bioakkumulation und ihres Toxizitätspotenzials zu erheblichen Bedenken geworden. Der Klimawandel kann den biogeochemischen Kreislauf von persistenten organischen Schadstoffen (POPs) und neuartigen organischen Schadstoffen (EOCs) verändern und ihre Auswirkungen auf polare Ökosysteme verstärken. Das Auftreten von POPs und EOCs durch Ferntransport und lokalen Austritt hat Auswirkungen auf empfindliche polare Ökosysteme hinterlassen. Daher sind dringend Maßnahmen erforderlich, um die zeitlichen Trends von POPs zu überwachen und neue EOCs in Polarregionen zu untersuchen. Die Daten zu klassischen POPs in Umweltmedien und Biota zeigen aufgrund der weltweiten Bestrebungen, ihre Herstellung und Verwendung zu verbieten, sowohl in der Arktis als auch in der Antarktis rückläufige Trends. Es wurde jedoch die Reemission von POPs beobachtet, die sich zuvor in der polaren Umgebung angesammelt haben, und diese POPs können nach den durch die globale Erwärmung verursachten Prozessen des Eisrückgangs, des Gletscherschmelzens und des Permafrostauftauens wieder in den globalen Kreislauf eintreten. Daher sollte in Polargebieten eine kontinuierliche Überwachung von klassischen POPs durchgeführt werden. Screening-Erhebungen auf EOCs in Umwelt- und biologischen Matrizes wurden durch nationale und regionale Forschungsprogramme durchgeführt. Der weiträumige Umwelttransport von EOCs wurde durch ihr Vorkommen in Eisbohrkernen, Schnee und Seewasser in Polarregionen hervorgehoben. Daher muss die Untersuchung von EOCs in der Antarktis durch nationale und internationale Forschungsprogramme verstärkt werden. Gletschereis und -schnee fungierten als sekundäre Emissionsquellen in den Polarregionen und setzten POPs und EOCs in Atmosphäre und Ozean frei. Daher muss die zukünftige Forschung die verschiedenen biogeochemischen und geophysikalischen Prozesse unter Klimawandel und anthropogenen Belastungen verstehen, um das Umweltverhalten und das Toxizitätsrisiko von EOCs in Polarregionen vorhersagen zu können. Quelle: ForschungsberichtVeröffentlichung Environmental guidelines for operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS): Experience from Antarctica(2019) Harris, Colin H.; Herata, Heike; Hertel, FritzRemotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), or drones, are increasingly being used in close proximity to wildlife. RPAS can disturb animals in their natural environment, potentially causing stress or harm. However, research on the potential impact of RPAS on wildlife is preliminary and remains poorly understood. RPAS offer many benefits for research applications and other purposes, and can also help reduce wildlife disturbance that might otherwise occur. The Antarctic Treaty Parties recognised a need to develop environmental guidelines for RPAS use as a means to help avoid and/or reduce disturbance to wildlife in Antarctica while allowing for their beneficial use. To do so, a framework based on the Pressure - State - Response model was developed to provide a systematic means to consider relevant influences on RPAS and wildlife interactions. This framework was used as an aid to draft comprehensive environmental guidelines for RPAS use in Antarctica, which were adopted by the Antarctic Treaty Parties in 2018. The guidelines include recommendations for pre-flight preparations, on-site and in-flight protocols, and for post-flight actions and reporting. The guidelines were based on examples developed elsewhere in the world, on available scientific evidence for environmental impacts from RPAS, and through consultation among governments and scientific and technical bodies operating in Antarctica. The environmental guidelines adopted for RPAS operations in Antarctica could provide a model for application elsewhere in the world where there is a need to manage interactions between RPAS and wildlife and to avoid or reduce potential impacts. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reservedVeröffentlichung German Tourism Activities in the Antarctic Area(2013) Herata, Heike; Krakau, ManuelaThe interrelationship between tourism development and polar environmentsbecame a hot topic in the last decades. Since climatic changes lead toaltered ecosystems including the alteration of species, composition in areas withprevious icy and hostile conditions, especially the use of polar landscapes, cameinto touristic focus. However, the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica has beenan exceptional destination to experience nature and follow the path of adventurerssince its discovery. To fulfill the Protocol on Environmental Protection to theAntarctic Treaty (Environmental Protocol) with the aim to protect the Antarcticarea as well as possible, the procedure of granting a permit for tourism activitiesis well developed in German legislation. For decades, Germans have accountedfor more than 10% of all tourists enjoying the special landscape during a cruiseto Antarctic coasts. This puts them in the top 3 of the world together with Americanand British tourists. Since 2000, the German Federal EnvironmentAgency recordedinformation on German tourist activities in the area of Antarctica from yearly postvisitreports. These data may support discussions on possible steps toward requiredregulations for polar tourism in the near future. Some aspects of land-based tourismon the Antarctic continent, and especially on the Antarctic Peninsula and islandsnearby, are highlighted with regard to the potential consequences within the frameof environmental protection and climate change. Due to the lack of knowledgewhich impedes thoroughly environmental assessments for all touristic activities,the German Federal Environment Agency aims to encourage research and politicalinstitutions to support the development of a concept of sustainable tourism for theAntarctic Treaty area.Quelle: German Tourism Activities in the AntarcticArea: A Governmental Perspective. In: New Issues in Polar Tourism: Communities,Environments, Politics. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013Veröffentlichung Leitfaden für Besucher der Antarktis(2016) Fabris, Rita; Herata, Heike; Hertel, Fritz; Hilbert, Jacqueline; Krakau, Manuela; Larws, Dagmar; Müller, Mirjam; Schwarzbach, WiebkeVeröffentlichung Leitfaden für Besucher der Antarktis(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Fabris, Rita; Herata, Heike; Hertel, Fritz; Hilbert, Jacqueline; Krakau, Manuela; Larws, Dagmar; Müller, Mirjam; Schwarzbach, Wiebke; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtSie fahren aus privaten oder beruflichen Gründen in die Antarktis? Sie entdecken zum ersten oder auch wiederholten Male den "Weißen Kontinent"? Um die letzte Wildnis unseres Planeten mit ihrer einmaligen Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in seiner Ursprünglichkeit zu erhalten, gelten international verbindliche Verhaltensregeln für die Besucher der Antarktis, die das UBA in diesem Leitfaden zusammenfasst. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Managing the effects of noise from ship traffic, seismic surveying and construction on marine mammals in Antarctica(2019) Erbe, Christine; Dähne, Michael; Gordon, Jonathan; Herata, Heike; Müller, MirjamThe Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty stipulates that the protection of the Antarctic environment and associated ecosystems be considered in the planning and conducting of all activities in the Antarctic Treaty area. One of the key pollutants created by human activities in the Antarctic is noise, primarily caused by ship traffic (from tourism, fisheries, and research), but also by geophysical research (e.g., seismic surveys) and by research station support activities (including construction). Arguably, amongst the species most vulnerable to noise are marine mammals since they specialise in using sound for communication, navigation and foraging, and therefore have evolved the highest auditory sensitivity among marine organisms. Reported effects of noise on marine mammals in lower-latitude oceans include stress, behavioural changes such as avoidance, auditory masking, hearing threshold shifts, andâ€Ìin extreme casesâ€Ìdeath. Eight mysticete species, 10 odontocete species, and six pinniped species occur south of 60OS (i.e., in the Southern Ocean). For many of these, the Southern Ocean is a key area for foraging and reproduction. Yet, little is known about how these species are affected by noise. We review the current prevalence of anthropogenic noise and the distribution of marine mammals in the Southern Ocean, and the current research gaps that prevent us from accurately assessing noise impacts on Antarctic marine mammals. A questionnaire given to 29 international experts on marine mammals revealed a variety of research needs. Those that received the highest rankings were 1) improved data on abundance and distribution of Antarctic marine mammals, 2) hearing data for Antarctic marine mammals, in particular a mysticete audiogram, and 3) an assessment of the effectiveness of various noise mitigation options. The management need with the highest score was a refinement of noise exposure criteria. Environmental evaluations are a requirement before conducting activities in the Antarctic. Because of a lack of scientific data on impacts, requirements and noise thresholds often vary between countries that conduct these evaluations, leading to different standards across countries. Addressing the identified research needs will help to implement informed and reasonable thresholds for noise production in the Antarctic and help to protect the Antarctic environment. © 2019 Erbe, Dähne, Gordon, Herata, Houser, Koschinski, Leaper, McCauley, Miller, Müller, Murray, Oswald, Scholik-Schlomer, Schuster, van Opzeeland and JanikVeröffentlichung Ökologisch nachhaltige Nutzung mit hohen Umweltstandards in der Arktis - Umweltleitlinien deutscher Arktispolitik(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Riedel, Arne; Bach, Inga; Abhold, Katrina; Ecologic Institut; Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Krakau, Manuela; Herata, HeikeDie arktische Umwelt ist vielen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, die ihren Fortbestand bedrohen: Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen stellen bereits jetzt viele Ökosysteme vor große Herausforderungen. Wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in der Region, wie Fischerei, Schifffahrt, Abbau und Transport von Rohstoffen sowie Tourismus, erhöhen den Druck auf die Umwelt zusätzlich. Die Anstrengungen für einen ambitionierten Umweltschutz in der Arktis müssen weltweit - und auch von nicht-arktischen Staaten - gesteigert werden, um sie zu erhalten. Dieser Forschungsbericht führt Ergebnisse des UBA-Vorhabens zu "Umweltleitlinien deutscher Arktispolitik" zusammen. Er zeigt mögliche Ansatzpunkte des deutschen Umweltressorts auf, den Umweltschutz in der Arktis auch aus der Position eines nicht-arktischen Staats zu fördern. Der Bericht beschreibt zudem die Aktivitäten des Vorhabens, die das Bewusstsein in der Öffentlichkeit dafür steigern sollten, dass wichtige Verbindungen zwischen Deutschland und der Arktis bestehen. Dazu zählen unter anderem ein Erklärfilm und eine öffentliche Veranstaltung. Quelle: ForschungsberichtVeröffentlichung Planning marine protected areas under the CCAMLR regime - The case of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)(2021) Teschke, Katharina; Brtnik, Patricia; Hain, Stefan; Herata, HeikeCurrently, almost 8% of the world's oceans are designated marine protected areas (MPAs), the majority of which are relatively small and under national jurisdiction. Several initiatives are presently underway in international waters to establish large-scale MPAs, such as for the Southern Ocean under the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). By reviewing the MPA initiative in the Weddell Sea (WSMPA), we aim to guide through the planning steps involved in developing an MPA in the high seas of the Southern Ocean in the context of an international organisation, i.e. CCAMLR. We focus also on the associated science-policy discussion process. To this end, we examine the WSMPA roadmap retrospectively from its beginning in 2013 until today. We discuss the individual planning steps and how these have been designed in detail. Throughout, we show that the planning of the WSMPA was based on a collaborative, science-based process that exemplified best practice in applied science. Lastly, we also provide an outlook on the current situation regarding the establishment of CCAMLR MPAs and point out that scientific best practice may not be sufficient to achieve the consensus and political drive ultimately required for the designation of MPAs in the Southern Ocean. Quelle: https://www.sciencedirect.comVeröffentlichung Schutz der Arktis und Antarktis(2014) Herata, HeikeVeröffentlichung Umweltschutz in der Antarktis(2018) Herata, HeikeVeröffentlichung Visitor Guidelines for the Antarctic(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Fabris, Rita; Herata, Heike; Hertel, Fritz; Hilbert, Jacqueline; Krakau, Manuela; Larws, Dagmar; Müller, Mirjam; Schwarzbach, Wiebke; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtYou are visiting the Antarctic for private or professional reasons? You are about to discover the "White Continent" for the first time or you are planning a revisit? We wish you a pleasant journey - and would like to contribute with these guidelines to a safe and environmentally sustainable stay in the Antarctic. Quelle: